V této várce jsou fotky z otevření obchůdku Draper James v Nashvillu. Fotky z večera ale taky přímo z obchodu, ty jsou krásné. Pak je skvělá ta fotka s Reeseinou kamarádkou, kde jsou stejně oblečené a Reese píše, že to neplánovaly a že to je znamení toho, že jsou nejlepší kámošky:D. Pak se mi strašně líbí fotka s jejím bráchou z večera otevření DJ:). No a nejvíc hotová jsem z té první, ta je fakt sladká! Reese s Tennesseem na Halloween:).
We're ready for ya trick-or-treaters!! 🎃🎃🎃🎃 Happy Halloween !!!
Sunday morning vibes @camcountry
Don't y'all want to be @mindykaling's best friend? Me too. Thankfully, she wrote this hysterical book so we can enjoy her company. I 💕💕💕 it! #MondayMuse #MindyMonday #MustRead #RWBookClub
It was such an honor to participate in tonight's @girlsinc conference in #Nashville. Budgeting and investing money is such an important (and not often talked about) lesson for young girls -- and with 500+ women in the audience, it was a privilege to see, meet, and share ideas and information with this next generation!
Welcome to the first ever @draperjamesgirl store here folks!!! I'm so proud of and so thankful to the wonderful team that helped turn this dream into a reality!! Time to get your shop on Nashville!! #DJDebut #Nashville
One clue that we are best friends? #Twinning #WeDidNotPlanThis #DJDebut @draperjamesgirl
Welcome, welcome!! @draperjamesgirl #DJDebut #Flagship #Opening 💙💙💙💙
Thanks to the all the sweet bloggers who celebrated the #DJDebut with me today!!#BloggersAndBellinis 🍑✨ @draperjamesgirl
Thank you, thank you #Nashville for such a beautiful night, celebrating @draperjamesgirl's launch here. Thank you @rubyamanfu and @leeannwomack for sharing your incredible voices tonight. It touched me to see y'all come from near and far to support #DraperJames in my hometown. From the bottom of my heart. Xo
My dream sandwich!! 💕 @sherylcrow @faithhill - Love y'all!! Regram @draperjamesgirl #DJDebut
Was a family affair last night :) me and my sweet bro! #NashvilleProud #DJdebut @draperjamesgirl (P.s. Link to my dress from last night is up in my bio. 💞
Some Halloween inspiration... 😂😂😂
Thank you thank you thank you #AmericanCinemateque for this incredible honor. I'm also so moved by all the love and support from every one of my friends.❤️❤️❤️ #AmCinAward2015 #MatthewMcconaughey @sidgrauman
In school, I learned that reading great books can change the way you see the world. #62milliongirls do not get that opportunity. So honored to support #LetGirlsLearn! 📗
Has everyone had their coffee today??? Hope so!! 🌸☕️🌼☕️🌸☕️🌼 (#dreamy #coffeeart 📷 @souk_and_pix)
Alright y'all....Amazing gift alert! @cherylstrayed wrote this book of her incredible, tell-it-like-it-is, no nonsense wisdom. For anyone who needs a little inspiration, I highly recommend it. (Maybe a gift for yourself? you deserve it!) #gift #wisdom #soulfood #RWBookClub 📗
Ok folks - caption this!! 😂😂😂 (You think I'd miss this @little_lola_sunshine?) #BruiserWoods
@jennabhager and I are gonna be giving you the inside look into @draperjamesgirl's #Nashville launch tomorrow AM on the @todayshow. So grab that coffee of yours and tune in! @nbctv Xo
Date night at #lacma #art+film
#LACMA night
Thank you @GlamourMag for this incredible honor #WomanOfTheYear and for a wonderful night celebrating all the women that have accomplished so much in so many different industries. #EveryWomanCan #GlamourWOTY25
Still buzzing and inspired from last night's #GlamourWOTY25...So many iconic, trail-blazing women in one room!! @victoriabeckham @violadavis @marthastewart @glamourmag
To jsou opět skvělé fotografie, hlavně se mi moc líbí ta první, ta je zlatá. :)
OdpovědětVymazatNa té jedenácté je nádherná! Ta první je moc roztomilá, a ten pejsek ve stylu Bruisera nemá chybu :D
OdpovědětVymazatTa první fotka je prostě dokonalá, mám ráda dýně a celé to říjnové halloweenské podzimní období.. a je dobré, že ji přidáváš zrovna ted, když už se zas blíží Haloween, já bych teda neměla vůbec vůli a chuť přidávat tak staré fotky s vydinou, že u aktuálních nikdy nebudu:D Máš můj obdiv a je fajn že nás o nic neochudíš:) Pak jsou super fotky toho jejího obchůdku:)
OdpovědětVymazat[3]: vidinou:D